代表性仪器:纤毛运动数字化显微视频成像检测系统高速数字化显微视频图像采集和分析系统是国际生理学研究的前沿技术,实现了对快速纤毛运动的记录和观察,做到了对纤毛摆动频率的逐周期的精确测量,使我国在纤毛运动和细胞信号转导研究领域实现突破,使国内的纤毛研究达… [详细信息]
代表性仪器:激光共聚焦图形工作站主要功能涵盖细胞生物学、生物化学、生理学、病理学及临床应用等,包括观察细胞结构、细胞骨架、细胞膜结构、流动性、受体、细胞器结构和分布变化等。 [详细信息]
◇ Jiao J, Duan S, Meng N, Li Y, Fan E, Zhang L. Role of IFN-γ, IL-13 and IL-17 on mucociliary differentiation of nasal epithelial cells in chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. Clin Exp Allergy. 2016;46(3):449-60.
◇ Jiao J, Meng N, Zhang L. The effect of topical corticosteroids, topical antihistamines, and preservatives on human ciliary beat frequency. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec. 2014;76(3):127-136.
◇ Jiao J, Meng N, Wang H, Zhang L. Comparison of human nasal epithelial cells grown as explant outgrowth cultures or dissociated tissue cultures in vitro. Front Med. 2013;7(4):486-91.
◇ Jiao J, Meng N, Wang H, Zhang L. The effects of vitamins C and B12 on human nasal ciliary beat frequency. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013;13:110-116.
◇ Jiao J, Wang H, Jin S, Fan E, Li Y, Han D, Zhang L. A compar…